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Bachelor of Arts with Honours [BA (Hons)] Applied Social Sciences - Applicable to new cohorts commencing Session 2022-23 onwards

Course Specification: Core Award Data

Course Specification: Student Learning Experience


  Stage 1   Semester 1 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS1010   Research Methods & Study Skills 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1018   Introductory Psychology: Social Sciences 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1019   Social Sciences and Society 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1050   Understanding Social Change 15 SCQF 7  
    Total for Semester:   60  
  Stage 1   Semester 2 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS1005   Cognitive And Social Psychology 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1006   Sociology Of Identity, Difference And Deviance 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1020   Ways of Life 15 SCQF 7  
  SS1021   Psychology Of Mental Wellbeing 15 SCQF 7  
    Total for Semester:   60  
    Total for Stage: 120    
  Stage 2   Semester 1 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS2037   Discovering Psychology: History, Concepts and Debates 15 SCQF 8   B
  SS2050   Studying Social Sciences Abroad 1 60 SCQF 8   A
  SS2062   Digital Societies, Digital Minds 15 SCQF 8   B
  SS2063   Sociology Of Genders And Sexualities 15 SCQF 8   B
  SS2064   Health Psychology 15 SCQF 8   B
    Total for Semester:   60  
Route A - Student Exchange Route
Route B - Non-student Exchange Route
  Stage 2   Semester 2 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS2015   The Sociological Problem Of Crime 15 SCQF 8   A
  SS2018   Exploring Research 15 SCQF 8   A
  SS2036   Theorising Social Life 15 SCQF 8   A
  SS2051   Studying Social Sciences Abroad 2 60 SCQF 8   B
  SS2069   Organisational & Management Psychology 15 SCQF 8   A
    Total for Semester:   60  
Route A - Non-student Exchange Route
Route B - Student Exchange Route
    Total for Stage: 120    
  Stage 3   Semester 1 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS3022   Developmental Psychology 15 SCQF 9   B
  SS3090   Research: Statistics And Data Analysis 15 SCQF 9   A B C
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  Within Stages 3 and 4, there must be a majority (75%) of Sociology modules taken in order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Sociology. This will make up at least 180 credits across Stages 3 and 4 and will include SS3090, SS3026, SS4006 and a minimum of 7 Sociology elective modules taken across the two Stages.
  BS3154   Politics, Policy And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3015   Health, Self and Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3022   Developmental Psychology 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3044   Violence, Crime And Conflict 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3087   The Psychology Of Human Nature: Evolution And Behaviour 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 2 option modules from the following group:
  In order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Psychology there must be a majority (75%) of Psychology modules taken across Stages 3 and 4, totalling at least 180 credits. There are 8 core modules that must be taken and will make up 150 credits. At least 2 of the elective modules chosen across Stage 3 and 4 must be Psychology based to make up the remaining 30 credits.
  BS3154   Politics, Policy And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3015   Health, Self and Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3044   Violence, Crime And Conflict 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3087   The Psychology Of Human Nature: Evolution And Behaviour 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  For the BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences route, there must be an even spread of Psychology and Sociology modules taken. Therefore, of the eleven elective modules taken across Stages 3 and 4, there must be no more than six modules chosen from either discipline.
  BS3154   Politics, Policy And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3015   Health, Self and Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3022   Developmental Psychology 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3044   Violence, Crime And Conflict 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3087   The Psychology Of Human Nature: Evolution And Behaviour 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
    Total for Semester:   60  
Route A - Applied Sociology
Route B - Applied Psychology
Route C - Applied Social Sciences
  Stage 3   Semester 2 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS3021   Cognitive Psychology 15 SCQF 9   B
  SS3026   Qualitative Research Methods 15 SCQF 9   A B C
  SS3088   Psychology: Personality And Individual Differences 15 SCQF 9   B
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  Within Stages 3 and 4, there must be a majority (75%) of Sociology modules taken in order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Sociology. This will make up at least 180 credits across Stages 3 and 4 and will include SS3090, SS3026, SS4006 and a minimum of 7 Sociology elective modules taken across the two stages.
  BS3145   Contemporary Issues In Politics 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3021   Cognitive Psychology 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3025   Counselling 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3036   Environment And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3082   Community, Citizenship and Professional Skills 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3088   Psychology: Personality And Individual Differences 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  Choose 1 option module from the following group:
  In order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Psychology there must be a majority (75%) of Psychology modules taken across Stages 3 and 4, totalling at least 180 credits. There are 8 core modules that must be taken and will make up 150 credits. At least 2 of the elective modules chosen across Stage 3 and 4 must be Psychology based to make up the remaining 30 credits.
  BS3145   Contemporary Issues In Politics 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3025   Counselling 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3036   Environment And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3082   Community, Citizenship and Professional Skills 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  For the BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences route, you must choose three modules from the sociology group, and three modules from the psychology group this year. Option 2:
  BS3145   Contemporary Issues In Politics 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3021   Cognitive Psychology 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3025   Counselling 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3036   Environment And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3082   Community, Citizenship and Professional Skills 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3088   Psychology: Personality And Individual Differences 15 SCQF 9  
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
    Total for Semester:   60  
Route A - Applied Sociology
Route B - Applied Psychology
Route C - Applied Social Sciences
    Total for Stage: 120    
  Stage 4   Semester 1 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS4006   Dissertation -- SCQF 10   A B C
  SS4008   Social Psychology 15 SCQF 10   B
  SS4054   Biological Foundations of Behaviour 15 SCQF 10   B
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  Applied Social Sciences students will be expected to choose a portfolio of both psychology and sociology based modules Students should ensure they have no more than 6 psychology electives or 6 sociology electives across Stages 3 and 4.
  SS4008   Social Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4010   Developments in Counselling 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4027   The Body in Contemporary Life 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4052   Crime, Criminology And The Justice System 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4054   Biological Foundations of Behaviour 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4081   Sport and Exercise Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 1 option module from the following group:
  SS4010   Developments in Counselling 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4027   The Body in Contemporary Life 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4052   Crime, Criminology And The Justice System 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4081   Sport and Exercise Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 3 option modules from the following group:
  SS4008   Social Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4010   Developments in Counselling 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4027   The Body in Contemporary Life 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4052   Crime, Criminology And The Justice System 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4054   Biological Foundations of Behaviour 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4080   Business And Society 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4081   Sport and Exercise Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
    Total for Semester:   45  
Route A - Applied Social Sciences
Route B - Applied Psychology
Route C - Applied Sociology
  Stage 4   Semester 2 CREDITS LEVEL  
  SS4006   Dissertation 45 SCQF 10   A B C
  Choose 2 option modules from the following group:
  For the BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences route, there must be an even spread of Psychology and Sociology modules taken. Therefore, of the eleven elective modules taken across Stages 3 and 4, there must be no more than six modules chosen from either discipline.
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4014   Clinical Psychology and Mental Health 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4029   Forensic Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4067   Global Development 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 2 option modules from the following group:
  In order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Psychology there must be a majority (75%) of Psychology modules taken across Stages 3 and 4, totalling at least 180 credits. There are 8 core modules that must be taken and will make up 150 credits. At least 2 of the elective modules chosen across Stage 3 and 4 must be Psychology based to make up the remaining 30 credits.
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4014   Clinical Psychology and Mental Health 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4029   Forensic Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4067   Global Development 15 SCQF 10  
  Choose 2 option modules from the following group:
  Within Stages 3 and 4, there must be a majority (75%) of Sociology modules taken in order to achieve the award of BA (Hons) Applied Sociology. This will make up at least 180 credits across Stages 3 and 4 and will include SS3090, SS3026, SS4006 and a minimum of 7 Sociology elective modules taken across the 2 stages.
  SS3094   Media, Culture And Society 15 SCQF 9  
  SS4014   Clinical Psychology and Mental Health 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4029   Forensic Psychology 15 SCQF 10  
  SS4067   Global Development 15 SCQF 10  
    Total for Semester:   45  
Route A - Applied Social Sciences
Route B - Applied Psychology
Route C - Applied Sociology
    Total for Stage: 90    


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