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Accounting, GA in BA (Hons) Accounting, BSc Accounting (Session 2024/25 onwards), GA in BA (Hons) Accounting Top Up, BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance, BA (Hons) Accounting and Management, BA (Hons) Accounting with Data Science, BA (Hons) Advanced Architectural Technology, MSci Applied Bioscience, BSc (Hons) Applied Bioscience - For implementation Session 2023-24, BSc (Hons) Applied Social Sciences - Applicable to cohorts commencing prior to Session 2022-23, BA (Hons) Applied Sport and Exercise Science - Implementation Session 2024-25, BSc (Hons) Applied Sport and Exercise Science - Implementation Session 2024-25, BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology, BSc (Hons) Architecture (BSc/MArch), MArch BSc/BSc (Hons) Nursing, BSc/BSc(Hons) BSc/BSc (Hons) Nursing - Applicable pre Session 2024-25, BSc/BSc(Hons) Bachelor of Laws, LLB Bachelor of Laws, LLB (Hons) Biomedical Science/Applied Biomedical Science - For implementation for all cohorts Session 2023-24, BSc (Hons) Built Environment, GA in BSc (Hons) Business Administration, BA Business Analytics, BA (Hons) Business Management, GA in BA (Hons) Business Management, BA (Hons) Business Management, GradCert Business and Management Programme, BA (Hons) Communication Design, BA (Hons) Communication Design - For implementation Session 2024-25, BA (Hons) Computer Science, BSc (Hons) Computing (Application Software Development), BSc (Hons) Computing Science, MSci Computing and Creative Design, BSc (Hons) Construction and the Built Environment, GA in BSc (Hons) Contemporary Art Practice, BA (Hons) Creative and Cultural Business, GradCert Criminology, BA (Hons) Culinary Arts, BA Cyber Security, BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and Network Management, BSc (Hons) Data Science, GA in BSc (Hons) Data Science Programme, BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography - Applicable for cohorts commencing prior to Session 2023-24, MDRad Diagnostic Radiography - Applicable to new students commencing from Session 2023-24, MDRad Digital Marketing, BA (Hons) Digital Marketing and Business Analytics, BA (Hons) Digital Media, BSc (Hons) Digital Media (Pre-Session 2021-22), BSc (Hons) Digital Media - Direct Entry (Pre-Session 2023-24), BSc (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, BSc (Eng) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, BEng (Hons) Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MEng Energy Data Management with Business Analytics, GradCert Engineering Design, BEng (Hons) Engineering: Design and Manufacture, GA in BEng (Hons) Engineering: Instrumentation, Measurement and Control, GA in BEng (Hons) Events Management, BA (Hons) Fashion Management, BA (Hons) Fashion and Textile Design, BA (Hons) Fashion and Textile Design - For implementation Session 2024-25, BA (Hons) Film and Media, BA (Hons) Fine Art - For implementation Session 2024-25, BA (Hons) Forensic and Analytical Science , BSc (Hons) Forensic and Analytical Science - For implementation Session 2024-25, BSc (Hons) Games Design, BSc (Hons) Global Business Management, BA Healthcare Practice, BSc Hotel Operations Management, BA Hotel and Hospitality Management, BA IT: Management for Business, GA in BSc (Hons) Interior Design, BDes (Hons) International Hospitality Business Management, GradCert International Hospitality Management, BA (Hons) International Tourism Management, BA (Hons) Journalism, BA (Hons) Law and Management, BA (Hons) Maritime Studies, BSc Master of Dietetics - For cohorts commencing prior to Session 2023-24, MDiet Master of Dietetics - For new cohorts commencing Session 2023-24, MDiet Master of Physiotherapy(MPhys) - For cohorts commencing pre-Session 2023-24, MPhys Master of Physiotherapy(MPhys) - Implementation Session 2023-24 for new cohorts, MPhys Mechanical Engineering, BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering, BSc (Eng) Mechanical Engineering, MEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, MEng Mechanical and Offshore Engineering, BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Offshore Engineering, MEng Media, BA (Hons) Midwifery - For implementation September 2024, BSc Midwifery - For implementation September 2024, BSc Occupational Health, BSc Occupational Therapy, MOT Occupational Therapy - For new students commencing Session 2023-24, MOT Painting, BA (Hons) Paralegal Practice, CertHE Paramedic Practice - For implementation Session 2023-24, BSc Paramedic Practice - For implementation Session 2024-25, BSc Pharmacy - Applicable pre-Session 2022-23, MPharm Pharmacy - For implementation Session 2022-23 onwards, MPharm Photography, BA Photography - For implementation Session 2024-25, BA Practice Learning Qualification (Social Services) , GradCert Product, Ceramics and Jewellery - For implementation Session 2024-25, BA (Hons) Professional Nursing Practice, BSc Project Management, GradCert Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management, BSc (Hons) Radiographic Studies, CertHE Renewable Energy Engineering, MEng Renewable Energy Engineering, BEng (Hons) Renewable Energy Engineering, BSc (Eng) Social Work - For Implementation September 2024 for all cohorts, BA (Hons) Social Work by Distance Learning, BA (Hons) Sport Coaching - For implementation Session 2024-25, BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching - For implementation Session 2024-25, BSc (Hons) Surveying (Building Surveying), BSc (Hons) Three Dimensional Design, BA (Hons) Web and Mobile Design, BSc (Hons) Wellbeing and Enablement - for new intakes commencing 2022 onwards, DipHE Go
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Choose a school... Aberdeen Business School Department for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching and Access Graduate Studies Gray's School of Art Law School School of Applied Social Studies School of Computing School of Creative and Cultural Business School of Engineering School of Health Sciences School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment University-wide Go
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