Module Database Search

Module Title
Learning In Practice 2: Theoretical Understanding (Working with Children)

Sociology, psychology, education, social work, professional practice.

SCQF Points30
ECTS Points15
CreatedSeptember 2014
ApprovedNovember 2014
Version No.1

Prerequisites for Module

Satisfactory completion of all Stage 2 modules or equivalent.

Corequisite Modules


Precluded Modules


Aims of Module

To provide opportunities within assessed practice learning for analysing and evaluating different theories of understanding from sociology, psychology, education, social work and other disciplines to guide professional practice with children.

Learning Outcomes for Module

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

1. Apply theories of understanding that underpin observation, assessment and pedagogical intervention within social and day care environments with children.
2. Appraise understanding of components of professional reflection and application in and on action.
3. Analyse issues relating to social conditions and social problems and practice in a manner which fosters sociality in children.

Indicative Module Content

Holistic practice. Lifespace. Notions of head (conceptual), hands (being active) and heart(personal). The private, personal and professional. The common third. Challenging by choice. Theories of communication. Life world orientation. Meaning making (narratives). Ethics of care. Safe care. Law and social policy. Theories of change. Evidence based practice. Inter-disciplinary practice.

Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours

Distance Learning
Lectures and Tutorials

Directed Study

Direct Practice

Private Study

Private Study

Mode of Delivery

This module is based on directed and private study supplemented by lectures, seminars and tutorials and is associated with a period of direct learning in practice. Introductory lectures are linked to course materials.

Assessment Plan

Learning Outcomes Assessed
Component 1 1,3
Component 2 2

Component 2 will be assessed by portfolio.

Component 1 will be assessed by a case study.

Indicative Bibliography

1.HATTON, L., 2013. Social Pedagogy in the UK: theory and practice. Lyme Regis: Russell House Publishing.
2.LISHMAN, J., ed. 2007. Handbook for Practice Learning in Social Work and Social Care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
3.MILLER, J., 1996. Social Care Practice. Oxon: Hodder Education.
4.STEPHENS, P., 2003. Heart and Head. Studies in Comparative Social Pedagogies and International Social Work and Social Policy, Vol XV.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781