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Module Title
Influences on Health Across the Lifespan
Reference NU1106 Version 1
Created February 2024 SCQF Level SCQF 7
Approved June 2024 SCQF Points 30
Amended ECTS Points 15

Aims of Module
To introduce and develop the students' understanding of influences on health across the lifespan.

Learning Outcomes for Module
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
1 Recognise the implications of human development across the lifespan.
2 Identify the value of self.
3 Explore the determinants of health.
4 Discuss the factors influencing health and wellbeing.

Indicative Module Content
Human development; Socioeconomic influences on health; Sociology and psychology of health; Determinants of health; Family; Health policy; UNICEF baby friendly initiative; United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: 3 and 10.

Module Delivery
Blended learning approach including lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops and online learning.

Indicative Student Workload Full Time Part Time
Contact Hours 60 N/A
Non-Contact Hours 240 N/A
Placement/Work-Based Learning Experience [Notional] Hours N/A N/A
Actual Placement hours for professional, statutory or regulatory body    

If a major/minor model is used and box is ticked, % weightings below are indicative only.
Component 1
Type: Coursework Weighting: 100% Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4
Description: Audio Visual Presentation.

Explanatory Text
Audio Visual Presentation.
Module Grade Minimum Requirements to achieve Module Grade:
A C1 = A
B C1 = B
C C1 = C
D C1 = D
E C1 = E
F C1 = F
NS Non-submission of work by published deadline or non-attendance for examination

Module Requirements
Prerequisites for Module None in addition to course entry requirements or equivalent.
Corequisites for module None.
Precluded Modules None.

1 BRAVEMAN, P., 2023. The social determinants of health and health disparities. New York: Oxford University Press.
2 MOORE, V., 2022. An introduction to health psychology. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson.
3 NAIDOO, J. and WILLS, J., eds., 2022. Health studies: an introduction. 4th ed. Singapore: Palgrave MacMillan.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781