Module Database Search

Module Title

Inequalities, Health Inequalities, Social Context of Health, Poverty, Policy Drivers and Influencers, Social Determinants of Health

SCQF Points15
ECTS Points7.5
CreatedApril 2013
ApprovedJanuary 2016
AmendedMay 2016
Version No.2

This Version is No Longer Current
The latest version of this module is available here
Prerequisites for Module

Refer Regulation A2: Admission for admission requirements and/or course specific entry requirements.

Corequisite Modules


Precluded Modules


Aims of Module

To examine the social context of health and increase critical awareness of the impact of health inequalities on improving individual and population health.

Learning Outcomes for Module

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

1. Critically examine the prevalence, characteristics and impact of inequalities locally, nationally and globally within the context of public health.
2. Critically explore the social context of health.
3. Discuss a range of public health interventions aimed at reducing inequalities.

Indicative Module Content

Inequalities, health inequalities; sociology of health; social context of health; chronic illness; social integration; impact of poverty; policy drivers and influencers; politics; biomedical model; social inequalities; health status; health literacy; empowerment; public health; health promotion; values; wellbeing; health equity; gender inequality; commissioning; national and global issues; social determinants of health; austerity.

Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours

Full TimeDistance Learning
On line tutorials, workshops and discussion forums
Tutorials and workshops

Directed Study



Private Study



Mode of Delivery

Online Distance Learning or Full Time On Campus.

Assessment Plan

Learning Outcomes Assessed
Component 1 1,2,3

Component 1 is a written piece of coursework.

Indicative Bibliography

1.EYAL. N., HURST. S., MARCHAND., S.H. NORHEIM. O.F. and WIKLER. D., 2014. Inequalities in Health: Concepts, Measures and Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
2.DORLING. D. 2019. Inequality and the 1%. London: Verso.
3.McGILLVRAY. M. et al., 2012. Health Inequality and Development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
4.NETTLETON. S., 2020. The Sociology of Health and Illness. 4th ed. Cambridge: Polity Press.
5.BARBIER. E. 2015. Nature and Wealth - Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,
6.LAVERACK. G., 2013. Health Activism: Foundations and Strategies. London: Sage.
7.CAREY, T.A., TAI, S.J. and GRIFFITHS, R., 2021 Deconstructing Health Inequality. A perceptual control theory perspective. Springer.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781