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Module Title
Imaging And Interventional Procedures

Arthrography, angiography, angioplasty, biopsy, DSA,interventional radiology

SCQF Points15
ECTS Points7.5
CreatedFebruary 2003
ApprovedAugust 2003
AmendedJuly 2006
Version No.3

Prerequisites for Module

Successful completion of level 2 modules for BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography course will normally be required.

Corequisite Modules


Precluded Modules


Aims of Module

The aim of this module is to build on knowledge gained in the first two years exploring the imaging and interventional nature of various radiologist led examinations.

Learning Outcomes for Module

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

1. Evaluate the equipment and imaging requirements for DSA and interventional radiography.
2. Discuss various radiological examinations and interventional techniques associated with the cardio-vascular system and orthopaedics.
3. Outline and evaluate other interventional techniques utilised in radiography/radiology.
4. Interpret a range of images associated with imaging of orthopaedics and the cardio-vascular system.

Indicative Module Content

The student will explore the imaging equipment used in digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Commonly examined anatomical areas of the cardio-vascular system will be discussed, including selective examinations of organs, as well as examinations of the more generalised blood supply. From these specific examinations the student can explore the possibilties of interventional radiology according to the pathologies encountered. Introduction of a catheter, needles, endoscopes etc. will be included, as part of interventional techniques. Orthopaedic radiological examinations and interventional techniques will be covered, including such examinations as arthrography, chemo-nucleolysis and vertebral body expansion. Other interventional radiology such as guided biopsies and lithotripsy, utilising various imaging modalities, will be explored; also fibre optic guided techniques as part of ERCP and colonscopic examination.

Indicative Student Workload

Contact Hours

Full Time
Computer lab

Directed Study



Private Study



Mode of Delivery

This is a lecture/tutorial based module supported by directed and private study.

Assessment Plan

Learning Outcomes Assessed
Component 1 1,2,3
Component 2 4

Minor Component. Learning outcome 4 is assessed by an OSCE

Major Component.Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3 are assessed by coursework.

Indicative Bibliography

1.BURNETT, S., TAYLOR, A. AND WILSON, M., 2000. A-Z of orthopaedic radiology. London: Saunders.
2.KESSEL, D. and ROBERTSON, I., 2000. Interventional radiology: a survival guide. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
3.Journal articles and professional publications.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781