Module Database Search

Module Title
Information Seeking and Use
Reference CBM808 Version 2
Created January 2020 SCQF Level SCQF 11
Approved June 2017 SCQF Points 15
Amended May 2020 ECTS Points 7.5

Aims of Module
To provide the student with the ability to evaluate the sources of information and the manner in which information may be mediated in response to the full range of information needs, both organisational and individual.

Learning Outcomes for Module
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
1 Evaluate critically the major tools of bibliographic control of monographs, journal literature, online resources and other significant categories.
2 Evaluate the execution and the results of specific searches for information.
3 Appraise critically the role and value of information services in a variety of settings.
4 Justify the use of the most appropriate sources of information in a range of different contexts.
5 Analyse the needs of user communities in order to design and implement effective information provision.

Indicative Module Content
Bibliographic control of monographs, journal literature, grey literature, government publications, technical literature and digital materials. Quick reference sources of information; strengths and limitations of sources; variety of physical format. Digital sources of information. Sources of arts and humanities, scientific and social science information. Public affairs information, statistical information, health information, business and technical information. Search strategies, client communication, information literacy, user communities and needs; presentation of information.

Module Delivery
Lectures, practical exercises, groupwork and tutorials.

Indicative Student Workload Full Time Part Time
Contact Hours 50 50
Non-Contact Hours 100 100
Placement/Work-Based Learning Experience [Notional] Hours N/A N/A
TOTAL 150 150
Actual Placement hours for professional, statutory or regulatory body    

If a major/minor model is used and box is ticked, % weightings below are indicative only.
Component 1
Type: Coursework Weighting: 100% Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Description: Individual Portfolio Assessment

Explanatory Text
The calculation of the overall grade for this module is based on 100% weighting of C1. An overall minimum grade D is required to pass the module.
Module Grade Minimum Requirements to achieve Module Grade:
A The student needs to achieve an A in C1.
B The student needs to achieve a B in C1.
C The student needs to achieve a C in C1.
D The student needs to achieve a D in C1.
E The student needs to achieve an E in C1.
F The student needs to achieve an F in C1.
NS Non-submission of work by published deadline or non-attendance for examination

Module Requirements
Prerequisites for Module None.
Corequisites for module None.
Precluded Modules None.

In addition to the above bibliography, students will be directed to monographs and journal articles relating to the specific aspects of the syllabus as the course progresses.

1 CASE, D.O. & GIVEN,L.M. 2016. Looking for information: a survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior. 4th ed. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
2 INGVALDSEN, S. and OBERG, D. 2017. Media and Information Literacy in Higher Education: Educating the Educators. Cambridge: MA, Chandos Publishing.
3 FISHER, K.E., ERDELEZ, S., and MCKECHNIE, E.F., eds., 2005. Theories of information behaviour. Medford, NJ: Information Today.
4 HEARST, M.A., 2009. Search user interfaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
5 RUMSEY, S., 2008. How to find information: a guide for researchers. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
6 SHAH, S., 2012. Collaborative information seeking: the art and science of making the whole greater than the sum of all. Dordrecht: Springer.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781