Module Database Search

Module Title
Audit Theory and Practice
Reference BS3012 Version 5
Created January 2024 SCQF Level SCQF 9
Approved July 2019 SCQF Points 15
Amended March 2024 ECTS Points 7.5

Aims of Module
To provide students with an understanding of the key concepts of audit theory and its practical application.

Learning Outcomes for Module
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
1 Demonstrate knowledge of auditing concepts and standards through verbal presentation.
2 Appraise the theoretical concepts of auditing.
3 Demonstrate application of theoretical knowledge to the audit process, considering both financial and non-financial information.
4 Demonstrate knowledge of the legislation governing auditing and the International Standards on Auditing.

Indicative Module Content
Company legislation relating to auditing, International Auditing Standards; roles and responsibilities of the external auditor; regulation of the auditing profession; auditor independence; ethics; duty of care; true & fair; materiality; risk; fraud; audit planning; internal controls and internal audit. Introduction to assurance of environment, social and governance reports.

Module Delivery
Students on the placement route study the module using open learning material and undertake directed independent learning. Students following the taught route study the module using open learning material, undertake directed independent learning and attend tutorials.

Indicative Student Workload Full Time Part Time
Contact Hours 20 N/A
Non-Contact Hours 130 N/A
Placement/Work-Based Learning Experience [Notional] Hours N/A N/A
Actual Placement hours for professional, statutory or regulatory body    

If a major/minor model is used and box is ticked, % weightings below are indicative only.
Component 1
Type: Coursework Weighting: 0% Outcomes Assessed: 1
Description: Presentation on a pass/fail basis
Component 2
Type: Examination Weighting: 100% Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3, 4
Description: Closed book examination

Explanatory Text
The Module is assessed by two components: C1 - Coursework (pass/fail basis) and C2 - Examination (100% weighting). Module pass mark = Grade D
Module Grade Minimum Requirements to achieve Module Grade:
A A in component 2 -Examination and pass in component 1 - coursework
B B in component 2 -Examination and pass in component 1 - coursework
C C in component 2 -Examination and pass in component 1 - coursework
D D in component 2 -Examination and pass in component 1 - coursework
E E in component 2 -Examination and either a Pass or Fail in component 1 coursework
F F in component 2 -Examination and either a Pass or Fail in component 1 coursework
NS Non-submission of work by published deadline or non-attendance for examination

Module Requirements
Prerequisites for Module None.
Corequisites for module None.
Precluded Modules None.

1 GRAY, I., MANSON, S., CRAWFORD, L., BRADLEY, L. and CURRIE, L. 2024. The audit process. 8th ed. London: Cengage.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781