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Module Title
Exercise Physiology
Reference HS1116 Version 2
Created March 2017 SCQF Level SCQF 7
Approved September 2015 SCQF Points 30
Amended August 2017 ECTS Points 15

Aims of Module
The aim of this module is to examine the structure and function of the major physiological systems of the human body and its acute responses to exercise.

Learning Outcomes for Module
On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:
1 Describe the structure of the human body’s major physiological systems.
2 Explain the function of the human body’s major physiological systems.
3 Describe the acute responses of the human body to exercise.
4 Explain the mechanisms behind the acute responses of the human body to exercise.

Indicative Module Content
The structure and function of the key physiological systems including: cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, nervous, endocrine, digestive and urinary systems; the acute physiological responses to exercise focusing on cardiorespiratory variables (e.g. heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, redistribution of blood, extraction of oxygen [a-VO2 differenc], blood pressure, respiratory frequency, tidal volume, pulmonary ventilation), hormone production and release, mechanisms of fatigue, the body’s main energy systems and their relative contribution to exercise (in relation to intensity and duration).

Module Delivery
Fundamental content primarily driven by directed study supported with tutorial sessions. Practical sessions further consolidate the students learning.

Indicative Student Workload Full Time Part Time
Contact Hours 75 N/A
Non-Contact Hours 225 N/A
Placement/Work-Based Learning Experience [Notional] Hours N/A N/A
Actual Placement hours for professional, statutory or regulatory body    

If a major/minor model is used and box is ticked, % weightings below are indicative only.
Component 1
Type: Examination Weighting: 100% Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4
Description: Examination to be sat in two parts. Part 1 at the end of semester 1 and part 2 at the end of semester 2.

Explanatory Text
Final module grade will be obtained by taking the average mark from part 1 and part 2 examinations, then applying the criteria below. Re-sits will only be available for parts which are awarded E, F or NS grades.
Module Grade Minimum Requirements to achieve Module Grade:
A ≥70%
B 60-69%
C 50-59%
D 40-49%
E 30-39%
F ≤29%
NS Non-submission of work by published deadline or non-attendance for examination

Module Requirements
Prerequisites for Module None, in addition to course entry requirements
Corequisites for module None.
Precluded Modules None.

1 KENNEY, W.L., WILMORE, J. H. & COSTILL, D. L., 2022. Physiology of sport and exercise. 8th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
2 MCARDLE, W. D., KATCH, F. I. & KATCH, V. L., 2023. Exercise physiology, energy, nutrition and human performance. 9th ed. London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
3 MARTINI, J.L., NATH, J.L. & BARTHOLOMEW, E.F., 2018. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. 11th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.
4 POWERS, S.K., HOWLET, E.T & QUINDRY, J. 2021. Exercise physiology : theory and application to fitness and performance. 11th ed. New York: McGraw Hill
5 TORTORA, G. J. & DERRICKSON, B. H., 2019. Introduction to the Human Body 11th ed. New York: Wiley.

Robert Gordon University, Garthdee House, Aberdeen, AB10 7QB, Scotland, UK: a Scottish charity, registration No. SC013781